
Bizitzako funtsezko ikaskuntza bat gure izaera mugatua onartzea dela uste du Baketikek. Ez dakigu guztia, eta ez dugu arrazoi osoa ere. Bizitza pertsonalean eta elkarrekin bizitzeko orduan ezinbestekoa da elkarrizketaren aldeko apustua egitea egiaren bilaketa partekatua sustatzeko. Atal honetan Baketikek hainbat gairen inguruko bere ikuspegia eta proposamenak aurkezten ditu, zu bezalako pertsonen arteko eta erakundeen arteko elkarrizketa horren abiapuntu bezala.

Acento 2021 for a new culture of coexistence and reconciliation

Art and creativity to rethink ourselves

In this 2021 publication Baketik aims to stress the power of art and creativity to restore the social fabric. It is that very creativity that has enabled different artistic expressions that have portrayed the experiences, thoughts and emotions in the face of human rights violations and violence that we have lived through. This individual creativity has opened the way to social transformation, prompting social reflection (and it generates new questions: how do creative freedom and loyalty to human rights coexist?). The memorialization processes based on artistic expressions are an example of this social transformation.

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